Our projects

  • Victorian Alcohol and other Drugs Workforce Development Survey 2023

    We were engaged by the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA) to develop and conduct a workforce survey to better understand the current experiences and challenges across the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) sector.

    Our survey was based on existing AOD workforce surveys and relevant capability frameworks. We analysed and reported on workforce demographics, profile, capability, and workforce wellbeing and satisfaction, as well as sector capacity and workforce support. Almost 400 people across the sector completed the survey.

    Respect Victoria Report to Parliament

    TCG has been engaged on multiple occasions by Respect Victoria, established in 2018 as a statutory authority legislated under the Prevention of Family Violence Act (2018) in response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

    We were pleased to be engaged to support the development of the agency’s first three-year report to Parliament providing a detailed account of progress in Victoria on action to reduce family violence and violence against women through primary prevention. Our work included establishment of the report’s three-yearly repeatable reporting framework, social policy analysis and extensive consultation facilitation. The report captures work by all levels of government, specialist agencies and contributors in the community and public sectors.

    Social Inclusion Measurement Framework

    The Inner North West Primary Care Partnership (PCP) and HealthWest Partnership engaged us to co-design a measurement framework and set of core indicators for monitoring and evaluating social inclusion practice.

    We undertook a rapid review of the literature on social inclusion and related concepts, facilitated a series of co-design workshops and group decision-making processes with more than 18 partner organisations, and developed a measurement framework, which is being utilised to guide social inclusion work by partners across the region.

    The framework is available here.

    Darebin HRAR Program Evaluation

    We recently completed an evaluation of the Darebin HRAR Program for Your Community Health. The High-Risk Accommodation Response (HRAR) was established by DHHS to prevent, prepare for, and respond early to COVID-19 infection within public housing and other high-risk shared and community accommodation settings.

    The evaluation focused on various aspects of program implementation, including governance, community engagement, scope and reach of activities delivered, barriers and enablers, strengths and challenges. It also assessed the immediate benefits and impacts of the project on communities and other stakeholders.

  • Pelvic Floor Evidence Review Report

    We were engaged by the Continence Foundation of Australia to undertake a review of current evidence on pelvic floor health and pelvic floor dysfunction to inform a review and update of the organisation’s Pelvic Floor First and Go Against the Flow projects.

    Our approach included a systematic literature review on pelvic floor health and dysfunction, a rapid review of health information campaigns and programs targeting young women aged 12-24 years, and an environmental scan of the policy and operational context for the Foundation’s work.

    Banyule Community Mental Health Needs Assessment

    We were engaged by Banyule Community Health to undertake a community assessment to identify the mental health needs of people in the North East Metro Melbourne Region and their access barriers to services.

    This included a specific focus on diverse communities, including faith, culturally and linguistically diverse and LGBTIQA+ communities.

    We undertook comprehensive consultation with the community and Banyule Community Health staff and collected data through a survey, interviews and focus groups. The assessment provided detailed recommendations for change to improve service delivery, community engagement and equitable access.

    Banyule Gender Impact Assessment
    We were engaged by Banyule City Council to conduct a Gender Impact Assessment to inform its Resilient and Safe Banyule Framework.

    Our team examined existing and collected data and research relating to gendered issues in the context of each of the Framework domains. This included drawing evidence from the Banyule Household Survey; the YourGround Banyule report; survey and focus group consultations conducted as part of the project; publicly available datasets; peer-reviewed literature and other research.

  • Respect Victoria Strategic Plan 2023-2028

    Following on from Respect Victoria’s first four-year strategy which focused on building the structures and functions needed to meet its legislative responsibilities, TCG was engaged to facilitate and support the development of the Respect Victoria Strategic Plan 2023-28.

    The project involved the planning and facilitation of consultations and workshops with staff at all levels, Board Directors, and an independent advisory body to identify key domains and priorities. We also supported RV in promoting the published plan to Government Ministers and key stakeholders.

    Newman Women’s Shelter Strategic Plan 2023-2025

    We have an ongoing partnership with Newman Women’s Shelter (NWS), providing support across multiple areas of the organisation.

    In 2022, we worked with the NWS Board to review the organisation’s mission, vision, values, and strategic work areas to establish the foundation for development of a new 3-year strategic plan. Our work included a review of the organisation’s governance framework, services, and operations, through planning and facilitation of workshops with staff and Board members.

    We were also engaged to develop the subsequent NWS annual operational plan and funding plan to support fulfilment of the identified strategic goals.

    Resilient and Safe Banyule Framework
    In 2023, we worked with Banyule City Council to support the development of their Resilient and Safe Banyule Framework. The framework sets out a definition of community resilience, guiding principles, five key focus areas, and Banyule’s priority commitments for building and sustaining community resilience over the long-term.

    As part of the project, we undertook a policy and evidence review, a gender impact assessment and community consultations to inform and refine the Framework. The Framework is available on the Banyule City Council website.

  • Your Community Health

    We have been engaged by Your Community Health on several occasions to provide support with business development activities, including on behalf of the TGDiCH Consortium, the development of an expanded service model and funding proposal. TCG was also engaged in 2019 to support the initial planning and establishment of the TGDiCH Consortium’s governance structures and mechanisms, program and service plans and evaluation framework.

    Most recently we supported the development of a tender submission to trial a peer-led outreach and support for LGBTIQAS+ First Nations women in regional Victoria to help address social connection and wellbeing.

    Newman Women’s Shelter

    Since 2021, we have had an ongoing partnership with Newman Women’s Shelter, a family and domestic violence crisis accommodation, outreach, and support service based in the Pilbara in Western Australia.

    We provide regular support to the organisation to strengthen their strategic business development capability, including the development of organisational and funding strategies, grants research, and tender submissions including cost benefit analysis and business cases.

    Women’s Health Victoria

    TCG recently supported Women’s Health Victoria to develop a business case to the Victorian Government and other potential funders to support the next phase of the shEqual initiative, including its expansion to a national level. The shEqual Initiative seeks to address sexism and gender inequality in the advertising industry by developing the evidence base on sexism in advertising, raising awareness and understanding of the problem, and building a movement for change through direct engagement and partnerships with advertising agencies and professionals.

    The business case presented key needs and potential outcomes for building on and consolidating the achievements of the initiative to date, and to sustain lasting change across the advertising industry.

    East Pilbara Independence Support (EPIS)

    We were engaged by EPIS in 2023 to undertake targeted grants research and planning to assist with identifying and developing a more diversified funding portfolio to support the organisation’s work providing aged care and respite services in the Pilbara, WA.

    We also provided tender writing support for a submission to the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) ad hoc grants program aimed at improving service outcomes for Indigenous clients in a remote region. The submission included funding analysis and service model improvement.industry.

    Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ)

    KJ is a Martu organisation that delivers cultural, social, and economic programs aimed at building strong Martu communities in the Western Deserts region of WA.

    TCG has provided business development support to KJ for a number of years, including writing and reviewing of funding submissions, research and identification of aligned corporate sponsorship and philanthropic opportunities, relationship brokerage, internal systems improvement, staff mentoring and capacity building.

    Plastic Free Foundation

    The Plastic Free Foundation is a global social change movement whose vision is to create a world free from plastic waste. They engaged TCG throughout 2022-2023 to provide ongoing business development support and strategic advice.

    We undertook a review of existing operations and partnership models to inform and define a new partnerships framework, including corporate and private philanthropy to support the organisations ambitious global growth targets. Our work included funding submissions and award applications, corporate partnership development and management, strategic planning advice, internal systems and processes, and development of tools and templates for ongoing management of partnerships.

We pride ourselves on building strong, collaborative partnerships, and endeavour to work with clients and partners who share our values and commitment to improving social outcomes.  

Below are some examples of our recent projects. You can find more examples here. If you have any queries or would like to engage us to support your next project, please get in contact with us.